This story tells about a well-known detective Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend Doctor Watson. They investigate extremely intricate and complicated case about the explosion in the Admiralty and disappearance of the top-secret papers from the safe. You'll meet inspector Lestrade, missis Hudson, head of the secret department Admiral Benbow and mysterious little chimney sweeps.【查看更多】
别名:Sherlock Holmes and Little Black Men / Sherlock Holmes and Little Chimney Sweeps / 歇洛克·福尔摩斯与烟囱清洁工 / 歇洛克·福尔摩斯与小黑人
This story tells about a well-known detective Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend Doctor Watson. They investigate extremely intricate and complicated case about the explosion in the Admiralty and disappearance of the top-secret papers from the safe. You'll meet inspector Lestrade, missis Hudson, head of the secret department Admiral Benbow and mysterious little chimney sweeps.【查看更多】